Shipping FAQ

From RTR Shipping & Routing Guide

Q: Do I need to ship clothing on hangers?

A: No. RTR uses our own RTR hangers on site, therefore please avoid shipping hangers if possible.

Q: Do I need to include your Logo on our hangtags/garment tag?

A: No, we do not require the RTR logo to be included on your hangtag.

Q: Do I need to include the vendor style/style ID on the garment hang tag?

A: Yes, we require the vendor style or style ID to be included on the garment hang tag.

Q: What should the Care of Tag on the garments include?

A: Please reference our Vendor Manual for this information. If you cannot find the answers you need please email your buying partner and cc so that we can further assist you.

Q: Is there a capacity around how many units can be included per carton?

A: No, there are no requirements around how many units are packed within one carton. Rent the Runway does require vendors to only pack 1 order reference # per carton, please do not combine order reference #s within the same cartons or there will be issues surrounding accepting and processing the shipment. Please also note that carton weight cannot exceed 50 lbs.

Q: Does Redwood handle Order Reference # shipping from Canada?

A: Yes, Redwood coordinates all shipments in North America for Rent the Runway.

From Redwood Shipping Documents

Q: Do I need to email Redwood invoices?

A: No, please email invoices to

Q: My Order Reference # X is ready, please see attached packing slip. What are the next steps?

A: Please refer to page 12 of the Vendor Standards Manual for more information on packing slip requirements.

Q: We’ve routed PO X through the portal. Load number X, can we please get the labels/BOL?

A: Please make sure that you’ve uploaded the packing slip into the portal per the vendor guide. Someone from Redwood will reach out to you shortly to provide the carrier and the BOL/FedEx labels.

Q: Can we ship Order Reference # X and Y together?

A: Rent the Runway does require vendors to only pack 1 order reference # per carton, please do not combine order reference #s within the same cartons or there will be issues surrounding accepting and processing the shipment.

Q: Can we route the shipment now for three weeks from now when the inventory gets to our warehouse in America?

A: If you have the actual piece count, weight, and carton count of the order you can route now as long as it is within your ship window. If you are still waiting for the product to reach the USA, we ask that you route once you have confirmation of the actual quantities

Q: I need help with my log-in credentials / resetting my password to the Redwood portal.

A: Please email to send over your original login credentials. If this login doesn’t work, please email to help reset your password.

Q: We can’t see Order Reference # X in the portal. Please add it.

A: Thank you for reaching out. We will reach out to the RTR Team and will advise on when the Order Reference # has been added for your review.

Q: We can’t see style Y in Order Reference # X. Can you please add it?

A: Thank you for reaching out. We will reach out to the RTR Team and will advise on when the Order Reference # has been added for your review.