Accounts Payable FAQ

Q: Where should I send invoices?

A: Please email to

Q: What information does RTR AP need in order for us to be set up for payment?

A: Please fill out the attached W-9 or W-8, whichever applicable.

Please send banking instructions on company letterhead or a bank letter.

Please note that a bank letter will always be required if banking information is changed.

If you are owned by a parent company we will need a free-form letter signed by an officer of the company explaining the relationship between two entities to be signed by CFO of Company A.

  • EX: This letter is to inform you that Company A owns Company B/Brand B

If you have a factor, we will require the additional information below:

  • Factor banking instructions on letterhead

  • Letter from the factor confirming this vendor is factored '

Q: What should my invoice to RTR look like?

A: RTR needs invoices to contain clear information such as invoice number and date,

correct vendor name, and amount.